The Wonders of Discord

written by Makayla N.

May 17, 2021

What is Discord?

Discord is a place for people 13 and above to chat and call with friends. You can join servers to share art, gaming clips, photos, pets, share common interests, roleplay, etc.

There are servers made by famous creators in Discord, especially people on Youtube. For example, a creator named Wight (WaifuWight) has a Discord server sharing her content and letting others see and make characters based off of it, while others just talk with others about it.

What Does the App Look like?

When downloading the app this Icon will appear on the home screen of your device:

After opening the app, you will be at this screen.

You have the choice to either log into a previous account or to create a new account (if you're new to the app)!

I have an account, now what?

After creating your account your screen will look as so:

You will want to add servers, to do this you can click the green plus sign (as the arrow is pointed to) and it will give you the options to create your own server, join from an invite, or even explore servers.

How exactly do I get friends to join my server? How do invites work?

Well if you are trying to invite someone to your server, you will want to click your server, click the three dots on the right, and click the little invite button. You then can invite whoever you want that is on your friends list or even on social media. When getting a public invite, it will look something as:

I have gotten permission from the creator of this server named LatteArtsu to use her server as an example.

Now you can receive an invite like this from your friend or a creator. You can also look in the description of one of your favorite Youtuber videos, and they might have a link to join their Discord server. When pressing the link you will receive the option to accept the invitation and- BAM- you are now in the server!

Is Discord safe for kids?

Well yes and no. It depends on the server you join. To keep it safe, you always have the option to leave the server. For example say you realize you have joined a really inappropriate server, well you can always leave it and never join back in it. There should not be a chance for kids to join a server as such though, because all Discord servers give a description about what their server provides as a community. I would say it is a safe place for people to meet new friends, talk with people about their common interests, etc.

Are there specific rules of Discord?

Discord has a strict rule of 13+ people to download their app. Discord has this policy so no kid stumbles upon something they should not, and so no one else gets uncomfortable with the fact they didn't know at first they were talking to someone that young. All servers have rules.

For example, LatterArtsu´s server:

Most servers will have rules like this. Please do not try breaking them as the servers staff/creator will kick or ban you from their server.

What is VC? As shown above?

VC stands for Voice Call or Voice Chat, meaning you can call with your friends on Discord and only need wifi. You can VC with people in your favorite creators server but I advise only voice calling with people you know in real life. Online people are dangerous as you do not know who they are, what their actual age is, and if they have motives to hurt you.

Anything else I need to know? Any Add ons?

Discord, unlike other apps like Snapchat and Instagram, is much safer as it is more secure and there's a very low chance of anyone getting your account. Personally, I think more people should download Discord. It basically has Snapchat and Instagram features besides filters. Discord you can post images on servers, talk to friends, share common interests, and other ways to interact. By downloading Discord, your account is definitely more secure than other apps.

Other than staying safe on the app and only going on calls with people you know, nope! Just have fun! Discord may seem strict but it's a really fun community.

I'd like to thank LatteArtsu for letting me use her Discord server as an example in my article. So if you would like to support her please go and subscribe to her!

Link to her YouTube: