Volleyball Pool Play: Perspective From the Court

By: Aaliyah V.

Hello readers, this is the last part of Perspective from the Court. It has been a great pleasure covering all of these events for you all. This will cover the events on the pool plays aka the tournaments. This is the 4th and final part of this series. If you haven’t read the previous parts, go read them!

What is Pool Play?

Pool Play is a series of games that are played once every week. Pool Play is leading up to the tournaments, and decides what schools play each other. The tournaments were also considered Pool Plays.

Wednesday, Apr 6, 2022: B-Team. Lost against Holmes and Mann.

Monday, Apr 11, 2022: A-Team. Won against West, lost against Jenkins.

Wednesday, Apr 13, 2022: B-Team. Lost against Academy ACL and Sabin.

Friday, Apr 15, 2022: B-Team. Won against Mann, lost against Holmes

Saturday, Apr 16, 2022: B-Team. Lost against Jenkins, Academy ACL, and Mann.

Monday, Apr 18, 2022: A-Team. Won against North, lost against Mann.

Friday, Apr 22, 2022: A-Team. Won against Sabin, lost against Holmes.

Saturday, Apr 23, 2022: A-Team. Lost against Jenkins and North, won against Swigert.

When we were waiting for our game against Swigert to start we were watching Sabin play, and we were cheering them on the entire time.


I’m going to miss my team. After the season was over, we officially closed it by holding a banquet.

Here we talked about our season, how much we grew, and how our friendships became stronger.

Throughout the season, I gained some unforgettable memories, I became a stronger person. Even though a the end our friends… no, our family got injured, we played on for them. I will never forget the games I’ve played, and the lessons learned. Thank you for reading. Until next time.

-Aaliyah V.

Credits to parts 1-4 of Perspective from the Court:

Mrs. Chapman-Stanley: For the cover photos

The Yearbook class: For the cover photos

Ms Atencio: My teacher, for allowing me to do this

Mr. Willson: For Editing

Anthony B.: For Editing

Coach Becca (A-Team): For Coaching us, and for information

Coach Lisa/C (B-Team): For Coaching us, and for information

A-Team: For playing

B-Team: For playing

8th grade players, we will miss you.