A3: Analysis of Existing Products

A3: analyse a range of existing products that inspire a solution to the problem

Command Terms

Designers can gain much knowledge and understanding by looking at how other designers have attempted to solve the problem or meet the users' needs.

Selecting Products for Analysis

Carefully consider products you select for analysis. 

Ideal types of products for analysis:

Avoid selecting the following types of products:

Sources and Citations

Any product you select for analysis should include as much information as possible about the designer and/or manufacturer. This information should be included in your analysis in the form of an MLA citation.

Avoid citing "google images" or "pinterest" or other similar sites as the source. If you find an interesting product, you need to do the research to find the original source

Parts Purposes Complexities (PPC) Thinking Routine

The Parts-Purposes-Complexities (PPC) routine is very useful for looking carefully and thinking deeply about a product or concept. 

The PPC routine  guides you from LOT (low order thinking) to HOT (high order thinking). 


1. Label the parts of the design

2. Identify the purpose of the function of each part.

3. Analyse the Complexities

Product Design Sources

In addition to online resources that your teacher has recommend, our Design Library has a large selection of books and collections to review.