8.3 Sustainable design

Essential idea: Sustainable design is a philosophy of developing products in line with social, economic, and ecological sustainability principles.

Essential idea:

Sustainable design is a philosophy of developing products in line with social, economic, and ecological sustainability principles.

Nature and Aims of Design

Nature of Design

The first step to sustainable design is to consider a product, service or system in relation to eco-design and analyse its impact using life cycle analysis. The designer then develops these to minimize environmental impacts identified from this analysis. Considering sustainability from the beginning of the process is essential. (2.8)


Aim 10: Datschefski’s five principles of sustainable design equip the designer with a tool not only to design new products, but also to evaluate an existing product. This can lead to new design opportunities and increase the level at which a product aligns with these principles.


As a student of design, you should

Concepts and Principles

Green design versus sustainable design

Increasingly, manufacturers are recognizing that the environmental and sustainability impact of their designs are becoming important factors in consumer's purchasing decisions.  Government and social pressures are also creating a need for designers and manufacturers to meet the demands for "green" or "sustainable" products.

In design, it is important to understand the distinction between Green Design and Sustainable Design.

Green Design

Green design is focused on reducing or eliminating any negative environmental impact of a design.

Sustainable Design

Sustainable design is focused more on the whole system surrounding a product or service.  It deals with the interaction of economic, environmental health, and social equity factors. Sustainable design is more philosophical in approach than green design.

Datschefski’s five principles of sustainable design

Datschefski's book, The total beauty of sustainable products, introduces new principles by which sustainable designs should be evaluated. These five principles are:

There are strong connections between Cradle to Cradle design (C2C) and Datschefski's principals. Both approaches have the same essential goal which is to envision and facilitate an approach to design that goes beyond the design of a single product, but the design of sustainable environmental, economic, and social systems. 
