Flowcharts for Designers
Designers will use flowcharts to describe processes and procedures. When writing computer code, designers may use a flowchart to organize the program. Product designers may use a flowchart to describe a process or steps needed to create a solution.
A flowchart is a visual representation of a process (algorithm)
Flowcharts describe the SEQUENCE and/or the RULES of steps in a process
Flowcharts identify the type of step in each process
Each shape has a particular meaning
The Design Cycle, Design Thinking Process, and other inquiry cycles are essentially a type of flowchart.
Use Cases For Designers
Coding: Structure of a program or subroutine
Flow charts are excellent planning tools for designing and visualizing the steps in a computer program or algorithm.
Designers and coders can use flowcharts to visualize the steps and decisions that a program will make. Designers use specific shapes to identify the types of code, steps, and decisions that the computer and user will make.
In digital design projects for MYP Design, you might use a flowchart to present an outline of the code for your program.
Product Design: Describing Steps in the Manufacturing Process
Manufacturing and production processes can be complex and contain many discrete steps. A designer might use a flowchart to communicate the sequence of steps.
In MYP Design, you might use a flowchart for Criterion B4 and C1, where you are required to present plan for production.
In DP Design, you might use a flow chart for Criterion C1 to describe the steps in the production process.
Product Design: Describing the decision making process
Flowcharts are essential descriptions of how a decision is made. After conducting research on their user's needs, designers might use a flow chart to describe how users make a decision. This can help uncover and illuminate the user's needs.
These types of flowcharts can also be very graphical in nature, resembling a mindmap.
Creating Flowcharts
Flowchart Apps
There are many flowchart apps available. The one that we recommend, Draw.io, is free, easy to use, and integrates very well with google apps.
Download from Google Chrome Web Store
Elements of a flowchart are represented by certain shapes. Each shape represents a particular function, action, or type of decision.
In order for your flowchart to communicate effectively, it is important to follow the expected format. Below, you can see the standard shapes and their function: