IA Criterion B:  

New  requirements for 2020

The final step in Criterion B is the presentation and justification of the final design (B3). 

To reach this point, step B1 should show development of ideas. Step B2 should develop concept models of the idea or aspects of the idea in order to better understand the feasibility, function, performance, etc. In a way, these two steps are like research the designer does to develop a final design (B3)


Develops feasible ideas to meet appropriate specifications that explore solutions to the problem


Uses concept modelling and analyses the outcomes to guide design development

Photographic Documentation and Annotation in B2

In DP Design Tech, your photographic documentation should:

For screenshots, they should:

In DP Design Technology, your annotations should:


Justifies an appropriate idea for detailed development

Rubric (2020)

Assessment for Criterion B is as follows

1–3     The student:

B1: demonstrates limited development of few ideas, which explore solutions to the problem

B3: selects the most appropriate idea for detailed development with no justification.

4–6     The student:

B1: develops ideas with reference to the specifications, which explore solutions to the problem

B2: uses concept modelling with limited analysis

B3: selects the most appropriate idea for detailed development with limited justification.

7–9      The student:

B1: develops feasible ideas to meet appropriate specifications, which explore solutions to the problem

B2: uses concept modelling to guide design development

B3: justifies the most appropriate idea for detailed development.