4.5 Production Systems

Essential idea:

The development of increasingly sophisticated production systems is transforming the way products are made.

Nature and Aims of Design

Nature of Design

As a business grows in size and produces more units of output, then it will aim to experience falling average costs of production—economies of scale. The business is becoming more efficient in its use of inputs to produce a given level of output. Designers should incorporate internal and external economies of scale when considering different production methods and systems for manufacture. (1.11)


Aim 7: The design of a production system requires a complete understanding of a product, its function and the quality of finish. Each system can be unique and specific to the product it is creating, often requiring the designers to adapt their design to be manufactured using certain methods.


As DP Design Technology student you should:


Concepts and Principles

Each production system has unique components, advantages, and limitations. For designers, understanding these factors can allow them to optimize the design to reduce costs. 

Through careful analysis of the materials, scale of production, and types of production methods, the manufacture of the product can be optimized. 

Craft Production

Craft production is a small-scale production process centred on manual skills. Custom designed furniture, pottery, and jewelry are common examples.

Craft production was the dominant form of production in pre-industrialized societies. 

Today in the developed world, craft production is typically associated with high-quality, unique goods manufactured by a craftsperson; Accordingly, consumers are more willing to pay a higher price for the product due to the perceived value.



Environmental Impact

Workforce Impact

Mechanized Production

Mechanized production is a volume production process involving machines controlled by humans. The machines assist the workers in increasing their productivity, quality, and safety. These could include conveyor belts to speed up production speed, cranes to move heavy materials, or jigs to assist with the production of parts.

A worker works alongside a robot to sort and manufacture electronic components.



Environmental Impact

Workforce Impact

Automated Production

Automated production is a volume production process involving machines controlled by computers. 

Automated systems use CAD, CAM, and CNC to link computers to manufacturing equipment



Environmental Impact

Workforce Impact

Assembly Line Production

Assembly line production is a volume production process where products and components are moved continuously along a conveyor. As the product goes from one work station to another, components are added until the final product is assembled. 



Environmental Impact

Workforce Impact

Tesla Model S assembly line.  Note the use of robotics, mechanization, and how and when workers are involved in the process.

Mass Production

Mass production is the production of large amounts of standardized products on production lines, permitting very high rates of production per worker. 

See 4.3: Scales of Production for more detail and examples.

Mass Customization Production

Mass customization is a sophisticated CIM system that manufactures products to individual customer orders. The benefits of economy of scale are gained whether the order is for a single item or thousands. 

See 4.3: Scales of Production for more detail and examples.

Computer Numerical Control (CNC)

Computer numerical control (CNC) refers to the computer control of machines for the purpose of manufacturing complex parts in metals and other materials. Machines are controlled by a programme commonly called a “G code”. Each code is assigned to a particular operation or process. The codes control X, Y and Z movement and feed speeds. 

CNC and CAD (Computer Aided Design) work together. The CAD file contains  information about product, dimensions, etc.. This is interpreted by the CNC machine to produce the final product.

3D printers, CNC Routers, and Laser Cutters are examples of CNC machines.



Environmental Impact

Workforce Impact