5.5 Product life cycle

Essential Idea

There are several key stages in the product life cycle.

Nature and Aims of Design

Nature of Design

Designers need to consider the whole product cycle of potential products, services and systems throughout the design cycle and beyond. Products may have an impact not only on the direct consumer but also on society at large and the environment. (1.16)

Aims of Design

Aim 2: An understanding of the product life cycle allows the designer to design a product with obsolescence in mind. Doing this at the design stage can potentially eliminate the effect of a product on the environment when it is no longer in use.


As a student of design technology, you should be able to:

Concepts and principles

Product Life Cycle

The product life cycle is a tool for mapping out the four stages of a product’s commercial life: Launch, Growth, Maturity, and Decline. By understanding the life cycle of a product, designers and companies can make strategic decisions about the product, such as when to introduce a new version, or what types of technical innovations might be included. 

Why have a cycle? 

The reason is that society accepts products at different rates, but all go through similar stages of societal acceptance. This acceptance of innovations by societies is called the diffusion of innovations. As society begins to adopt and accept an innovation, the new product grows, eventually reaching maturity. When there is a better alternative to the product or when public preference changes, the products will enter a decline, possibly ending with the death of the product.

Read more from Reference for Business

The Product Life Cycle has four stages. Each stage is not determined by age, but by the relationship of sales, costs, profits, and number of competitors.

I. Introduction/Launch

II. Growth

III. Maturity

IV. Decline

In the decline stage, it is important to consider possible next steps to revitalize a product. The product could be relaunched. Modifications could be made to improve the product, functions, efficiency, or technology. A new market could be identified for the product and efforts focused on developing the product to enter it. 

Predictability of the product life cycle

It is possible to predict the length of the product life cycle. For example, most digital devices produced today have quite short product cycles.It's common for most device manufacturers to introduce a new product every year. This is largely a result of technological advances proceeding at a predictable rate. 

However, consumer trends in fashion are quite unpredictable. This means that the product lifecycle can be shorten or lengthen unexpectedly.

Product versioning/generations

A company can maintain a pioneering strategy and consistent revenue phone by introducing new versions of a product to market. A good example of this is smartphone manufacturers who regularly and consistently deliver new upgraded and updated versions of their product market.

Product versioning refers to the creation of variations of a product, different models, that are sold at different prices. 

This allows consumers to choose a product based on either its degree of function or its cost. The advantages of this strategy is that consumers can choose a model that suits them best. It also maximizes the profits for the company as they can target a larger market band.


Korean text

폐기물은 제품이 구식이 되어 더 이상 사용되지 않는 상태를 말합니다. 제품이 폐기되는 방법에는 여러 가지가 있습니다. 그 중 하나는 계획된 폐기물로, 제품이 일부러 구식으로 만들어져 사람들이 새로운 버전을 계속 구매하도록 유도됩니다. 이는 새로운 기술을 추가하거나 안전을 보장하기 위해 수행될 수 있지만, 디자이너는 환경에 미치는 영향도 고려해야 합니다. 예를 들어, 전구는 더 오래 지속되는 옵션이 있음에도 불구하고 예전에는 1000시간만 사용할 수 있었습니다. 일부 잉크젯 프린터 제조업체는 인쇄할 수 있는 페이지 수를 제한하기도 하는데, 비판자들은 이것이 환경에 좋지 않다고 주장합니다. 기술적 폐기물은 새로운 기술이 구식 기술을 대체하는 경우에 발생합니다. 예를 들어, VCR이 DVD로 대체되고 이제는 DVD가 온라인 스트리밍으로 대체되는 것입니다. 기능적 폐기물은 제품이 고장나고 부품이나 서비스를 구할 수 없어 고칠 수 없는 경우에 발생합니다.

컴퓨터는 최신 운영 체제를 실행하지 못하거나 새로운 메모리 모듈을 지원하지 못할 경우 기능적으로 사용할 수 없게 될 수 있습니다. 중요한 부품이 더 이상 생산되지 않아 교체할 수 없는 경우에도 기계는 기능적으로 사용할 수 없게 될 수 있습니다. 특정 기계의 교체 부품은 대량으로 생산되지 않거나 특수 기술과 장비가 필요하기 때문에 비용이 비싸질 수 있습니다. 기술의 변화로 인해 플로피 디스크 드라이브와 같은 제품들은 더 이상 새로운 컴퓨터에 포함되지 않게 되어 사용되지 않게 될 수도 있습니다. 패션 트렌드도 제품을 시간이 지남에 따라 원하지 않는 상품으로 만들 수 있지만, 때로는 레트로 스타일링으로 다시 원하는 상품이 될 수도 있습니다. 제품의 수명은 때로는 예측될 수 있으며, 디지털 기기는 빠른 기술 발전으로 인해 수명이 짧을 수 있습니다. 회사는 스마트폰 제조업체가 정기적으로 업그레이드된 모델을 출시하는 것과 같이 제품의 새로운 버전을 시간이 지남에 따라 출시함으로써 계속해서 수익을 창출할 수 있습니다. 제품 버전 관리는 제품의 다른 모델이 다른 가격으로 판매되는 것으로, 소비자와 회사 모두에게 이점을 제공하여 기능이나 가격에 따라 선택할 수 있으며 더 큰 시장을 대상으로 할 수 있습니다.

Chinese text



Planned Obsolescence

A product becomes outdated as a conscious act either to ensure a continuing market or to ensure that safety factors and new technologies can be incorporated into later versions of the product.

Planned obsolescence artificially limits the useful life of a product. Designers have a moral responsibility to consider and reduce the environmental impact of their designs.

The artificial limiting of lightbulbs to 1000 hours ensured a steady demand for replacements, despite much longer-lasting lights being available.  See the documentary trailer

A product might have its life artificially limited in order to ensure that it continues to perform at the expected performance level. Inkjet printer manufacturers often point to this reason to justify planned obsolescence.  In order for the paper prints to consistent quality, the manufacturers limit the number of pages that they can actually print. Critics of this strategy point out that this is not an environmentally sustainable  as there is still usable material in the ink cartridge. In 2017, the French government sanction (punished) the big printer manufacturers for this practice.

Full length version on YouTube




These practices are used to generate more profit for companies by require consumers to purchase additional products. 

This practice also generates unnecessary waste, and limits the ability of consumers to repair or maintain their product

Technological obsolescence

 When a new technology supersedes an existing technology, the existing technology quickly falls out of use and is no longer incorporated into new products. Consumers instead opt for the newer, more efficient technology in their products.

An example here is the replacement of the VCR technology with DVDs. As  DVD technology developed, and the cost of DVD players came down, consumers elected to moved towards exclusively using DVDs. And now, physical media like DVDs have been replaced by digital streaming services such as Netflix. 




The move towards digital, online solutions often brings great functionality, lower cost, and greater innovation. However, many newer solutions rely on online services which can end or be cancelled by the provider, leaving the user with no options.

Functional obsolescence

Over time, products wear out and break down. If parts are no longer available, the product can no longer work in the way it originally did. Also, if a service vital to its functioning is no longer available, it can become obsolete.

For example, a computer can become functionally obsolete if you can no longer run the latest operating system, or its architecture can no longer support new memory modules.

A machine can become functionally obsolete if a critical part for it cannot be replaced because the manufacturing no longer makes it. There are some companies that actually specialize in the production all replacement parts for certain machines; However, there replacement parts come at a higher cost than the original part. This is due to the low production run of creating the specialized parts, or the high skills or specialized machinery required to produce the part.




Style/fashion obsolescence, especially when done on a regular and consistent basis, can be responsible for a large amount of waste.  Fast Fashion, for example, is often criticised for promoting unsustainable consumption.

As newer computers started to use CD ROMS and flash media for storage, floppy disk drives were not installed. Users were unable to use old floppys with their newer computers.
As iPhones moved toward the lighning connector (left), accessories that used the 30pin connector (right) became obsolete. 

Style (fashion) obsolescence

Fashions and trends change over time, which can result in a product no longer being desirable. However, as evidenced by the concept of retro styling and the cyclic nature of fashion, products can become desirable again.




Style/fashion obsolescence, especially when done on a regular and consistent basis, can be responsible for a large amount of waste.  Fast Fashion, for example, is often criticised for promoting unsustainable consumption.

References and Resources

Henley, James. “PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE AND INDUSTRY LIFE CYCLE.” Reference for Business, Advameg, www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Or-Pr/Product-Life-Cycle-and-Industry-Life-Cycle.html.