Research Ethics

for designers

Be Caring

Be Knowledgeable

Be Principled

Research ethics is very important in this age of digital technology. The fact that we can collect, analyze and distribute information so easily means that we must do our best to ensure that no harm comes to the people we have gathered that information from. 

Research ethics is important to you as a designer when doing your research (Criterion A), gathering feedback on the development of your ideas (Criterion B), and evaluation of your design (Criterion D).

Inclusion and respect

Designers following a user-centered  or inclusive design approach will typically research the extreme users -  those users who do not fit the definition of "normal" or "average." In some cases, these groups of users are visible minorities. It is essential, then, that our research does not further marginalize, harm, or cause discomfort to this group. As in cases of researching any group, respect and empathy are essential.

Ethical Considerations for Surveys and Research

Designers don't plan to intentionally cause harm. However, it is our responsibility to minimize the risk of harm. To minimize this risk, we should follow the principles of ethical research: 

The information below goes into more detail about each principle and how to incorporate it in your design research.

In some cases, you might be collecting data on your family, friends, peers, or school community. It is essential to do this in a respectful manner and to follow any rules or policies that you school has about collecting, using, and storing data.

Ethical Research in Design