Topic 1:

Human Factors and Ergonomics

Design is human centered and, therefore, designers need to ensure that the products they design are the right size for the user and therefore comfortable to use. Designers have access to data and drawings, which state measurements of human beings of all ages and sizes. Designers need to consider how users will interact with the product or service. Use and misuse is an important consideration.

Human beings vary psychologically in complex ways. Any attempt by designers to classify people into groups merely results in a statement of broad principles that may or may not be relevant to the individual. Design permeates every aspect of human experience and data pertaining to what cannot be seen such as touch, taste, and smell are often expressions of opinion rather than checkable fact.

Designers study physical characteristics to optimize the user’s safety, health, comfort and performance.

Human Factors and Ergonomics in the news

edX course: Designing for Humans.  Great overview of designing for human factors. Free to audit.  Lots of great resources.