IA Criterion E

Detailed development of a commercial product  

New  requirements for 2020

Criterion E is the re-design of your prototype for commercial production. The focus here is to use your research and feedback from Criteria C and D to develop the design so that it can be produced commercially. The focus, essentially, is to develop a set of technical drawings that another person could follow for production. 

The design you develop here should clearly show how it has been modified for commercial production.

In this part of the IA, you should be using your knowledge of materials and processes (Topic 4), and commercial production (Topic 10)


Develops the design, addressing the required modifications for a commercially viable production process

The only required evidence for this strand are:

Note and Guidance


Suggested Workflow for E1

We recommend you present your work for Criteria E1 in the following format:

The quality of your annotations is essential in this section. Ensure your annotations identify and outline the features or elements of the design that will be changed for commercial production. You need to communicate how your design will be refined for commercial production, but with short, clear descriptions.


Presents the developed commercial product comprehensively

The only required evidence for this strand are:


As mentioned in E1, you can save some time by beginning your CAD work in that stage; That way you have a file you can begin to work with.

In addition, your work in E3 will depend on the quality of your CAD file that you produce. Take your time here to produce an accurate, high quality file that you can use to create high quality planning drawings

Suggested Workflow for E2

We recommend you present your work for Criteria E2 in the following format:


Commercial Design Proposal

The only required evidence for this strand are:

Note and Guidance


Suggested Workflow for E3

We recommend you present your work for Criteria E3 in the following format:

Rubric (2020)


The student:


The student:


The student: