Collecting data on ergonomic measurements

Collecting  ergonomic data, like any research, needs to be planned in order for the data collection to efficient, effective, and relevant. 

Follow these steps to determine the type and scope of ergonomic data you need to gather.

1. What is the main characteristic of the task?

Identify the types of movements involved in the task as well as the frequency. Consider the following questions.

2. Risk Factors

Identifying risks factors will help you determine which ergonomic and anthropometric data is important to consider. Consider the following questions:

3. What can we measure in this task?

After understanding the nature of the task and risk factors involved, the designer can determine what data to gather to inform their design decisions. Some areas to begin with are:

Observing the person performing the task can also provide valuable feedback on their comfort, posture, etc.

Notes About Data Sources

Anthropometric data can be gathered as either primary (you do the measurements) or secondary (from databases, etc.).

Make use of the online databases and printed resources available to you in the classroom.

(Google Sheet)

Use this sheet to organize your research plan and understand the ergonomic considerations of your design context.

Adapted from: Production Ergonomics

Berlin C. & Adams C. 2017.Production Ergonomics: Designing Work Systems to Support Optimal Human Performance. London: Ubiquity Press. DOI:

 A detailed, and free, eBook on ergonomics.

Calculators and Resources

Manual Material Handling Table, Liberty Mutual Insurance

Use this to calculate weights and forces for lifting, pulling, and pushing materials.