Preparing for DP Design Technology

 DP Design Technology is an exciting and rewarding experience. It is important to be prepared, and to have an understanding of the how we approach Design at the DP level.

To best prepare, complete these three before the course begins.

1. DO: Skills

3D modeling and using CAD software like Fusion 360 will be an essential tool for success in DP Design Technology. 

To prepare yourself for success it is important to develop your Fusion 360 CAD modeling skills. 

Choose one of these courses to complete:

Each tutorial takes  takes 10-15 minutes, and introduces you to a set of skills that you will find useful in the development of your design ideas. 


2. EXPLORE: Case Studies in Design

It is important to be aware how design shapes, influences, and responds to the world around us.

Explore ANY of the case studies to learn how design is investigated and how it connects to other content areas.


3. LISTEN: 99% Invisible Podcast

99% Invisible is a podcast about design, architecture, and society.

Each episode includes an audio file, video, and resources. 

It is an excellent resource to get you thinking about the impact of design on people and the environment.

Choose one of these podcasts and read, listen and review it. 

In August, we will review together as a class.


#03: 99% Details: It’s a stick with bristles poking out of it. It doesn’t even qualify as a simple machine, but careful thought and design  went into the creation of the modern, angled bristle, fat handled toothbrush.

#278: The Athletic Brassiere: Among the most important advances in sports technology, few can compete with the invention of the sports bra.

#322: The First Straw: The drinking straw is a simple thing. It’s a tube, a conveyance mechanism for liquid. The defining characteristic of the straw is the emptiness inside it. 

#341: National Sword: Since 2001, China was one of the biggest buyers of American recycling.  That is, until last year, when China pulled a move that no one saw coming: they stopped buying.

Pockets: Articles of Interest: Womenswear is littered with fake pockets that don’t open, or shallow pockets that can hardly hold more than a paperclip. 

Sounds and Health: Hospitals: Sounds can have serious impacts on our wellbeing, even (or especially) in places focused on health like hospitals.