4.4 Manufacturing Processes

Essential idea:

Different manufacturing processes have been developed to innovate existing products and create new products.

Nature and Aims of Design

Nature of Design

Designers sometimes engineer products in such a way that they are easy to manufacture. Design for manufacture (DfM) exists in almost all engineering disciplines, but differs greatly depending on the manufacturing technologies used. This practice not only focuses on the design of a product’s components, but also on quality control and assurance. (1.11)



As DP Design Technology student you should:


Concepts and Principles

Design for Manufacturing

Design for Manufacturing (DfM) refers to the manufacturing process driving the some of the design design decisions.  As such, designers design to optimize the process. For example, if a company already has plastic injection molding equipment, then the designer will design the product with that manufacturing process in mind. 

When designers are selecting processes for manufacturing they should consider:

in order to determine the ideal process to meet their needs.

The website Engineering Clicks provides a good overview for selecting the correct process for design

Manufacturing techniques can be divided into 4 broad categories:

Materials are added together to create a product or component

Material is cut away to create a product or component

Methods that modify the shape of the material using heat, pressure, and other mechanical manipulation.

Methods that join two similar or dissimilar materials together

Selecting a manufacturing technique

Books adn resources in classrooms

decision matrix or flow chart