Defining the Target User Group

User Population - Classifying Users - Creating Personae

Follow these steps to define and classify your user group and create a personae.

Identify the User Population

Define your users in a broad sense that identifies their  key characteristics


Step 1. State the user population in a single sentence


Classify the user group(s)

Consider the different types of groups your users could be classified into. 

Common categories include: Age, Gender, Interests,  Occupation, and Physical ability.


Based on your research and observation, list the inward homogeneous characteristics and outward heterogeneous characteristics of your group.

Step 2: List the key characteristics of your user groups(s)


In some cases, a product might have two or more distinct user groups. Using the example of business class seating on an airplane, the users groups could be:

Implication for Design

Now that the user group has been defined based on research and observation, it is time to consider the broad implications for the design opportunities, considerations, and even specifications. Broadly, these implications may fall into the following categories.

Step 3: List broad  implications for design opportunities, considerations, and specifications. These can be either statements or questions to guide further research.


Create a Personae

Create a Personae that captures your research, observation and analysis of the users.

Step 4: Create a Personae that describes the typical user. Include the following elements

Essential elements of a personae

Examples of Personae

Personae Examples
