End of term Summer 2019

We think this is our favourite newsletter of the year. It's the one where we can officially tell you what we raised at the fun day and in the last 8 months as a community....

But before that, we need to say 'Congratulations' to everyone who took part in the fun run...

...and in particular the 13 children who ran for sponsorship: Sofia in Lions, James in 3J, Freya Hornby, Emilia Norbury in Squirrels, Matthew in 1B, Eddie in Rabbits, Sophie in 1B, Melina in Elephants, Dimitris in 2MD, Billy in Owls, Thomas in 1B, Callum in 5H, Jack in 6OB. Between you, you raised a massive £395, making a huge difference to our final total! WELL DONE!

  • Our top fundraiser who wins the Nuffield swim lessons and the Decathlon goodies was Thomas in 1B who raised £155
  • Our next highest fundraiser was who wins Decathlon goodies was Billy in the Owls, raising £40

We have done the draw today for everyone else who raised money and the following children have won Decathlon gear. All the prizes will be delivered tomorrow:

  • James in 3J
  • Sofia in Lions
  • Melina in Elephants
  • Jack in 6OB

We'll now apply for gift aid on the donations we can - thanks for asking your sponsors to agree to that, we think it will add around £70 to the total. We'll keep you posted!

So without further ado here's the total....

We wish Year 6 leavers good luck with their new ventures and everyone a relaxing summer. See you in September when we'll have loads more fun stuff happening! We're off for a lie down....

PLEASE DON'T FORGET your raffle prizes. If you see the name of someone who isn't at the school please let them know






We can now combine this with last year's PTA funds to buy play equipment. Over the summer the first phase of the five year plan to transform the playgrounds will begin. Our funds will bring forward the next phase. Plans for the playgrounds will go on to the school website soon.

If you have bought something on PTA Social, entered a raffle ticket, baked a cake to sell, donated prizes, volunteered, come along to an event, used Stamptastic and other stores that support us, or nominated us as a benefector at the Co-Op then THANK YOU! We couldn't have done it without you!

FEELING INSPIRED? As a committee we have committed to another year, and we'll hold an AGM in September to formalise this, and the funds we have raised & spent on equipment. If you've been inspired by our fundraising and want to get more involved by joining the committee then please contact us, we're always open to new members no matter how much time you have: beaverrdfundraisers@outlook.com

Donate uniform to the PTA

If you're having a uniform clear out then please think of us. Please donate good condition, clean items to the PTA for second hand uniform sales via your school office. Please put everything else into the green 'Recycle with Michael' clothes bank at the front of the first school, as we receive money for the material that's recycled.

Quick notices & dates

  1. Please collect your cake tins and any lost property found at the fun day from the red bucket in the lost property shed
  2. Wellie throwing winners can collect their hand-made trophies from the school office now
  3. The first coffee morning of next year will be held on FRIDAY 13TH SEPTEMBER in our new home the afterschool room
  4. Mr How will be speaking at Didsbury FM on Sunday. Also speaking is Rachel Morgan-Trimmer (who ran the bake-off), a specialist in helping people managing neurodiversity get through the week. It's held at The Met, 8pm, always informative...

Don't forget you can donate to us when you buy name labels

Stamptastic donates 20% of all ink and stamp orders to us. You get 15% off on your next order. Enter M206SX at the checkout. Buy here

Funky Labels, which produces personalised sticker name labels, gives us 20% of your order when you shop with them using this special link.

Please keep buying your essentials at the Co-Op over the summer

The current total is £1,465.71. We are on for raising £2000 by the end of October if we keep going at the rate we are. This money will be immediately allocated to the playground when it's received in the Autumn. Sign up here.


The Giving Machine makes a donation to charity/ies each time you use its website to buy something from your favourite retailer. This includes everything from groceries, through gifts to getaways. Find out more here.

Keep in touch: Beaver Road Primary School PTA on Facebook *** @BeaverRoad_PTA on Twitter *** beaverrdfundraisers@outlook.com

PTA committee: Kate Peacock, Treasurer / Co-Chair & parent - Sam Crowe, Co-Chair, communications manager & parent - Nia Horan, secretary & teacher - Gemma Martin, Dawn Cheshire volunteer committee members and parents