September 2020

Hello, and a warm welcome from the PTA to all the children starting at Beaver Road Primary and their parents and carers. We're excited to meet you.

This newsletter explains a little more about the PTA, the volunteers running the charity, and ways you can help raise money for much needed school equipment.

***STOP PRESS We have a second hand uniform sale running online, and you can boost our funds when you organise labels for your uniform, lunchboxes and water bottles. Read on for details!

***Has your child outgrown their balance bike this summer? The nursery and reception team would love to give it a new home. Please email so we can arrange collection. Thanks for the donations we've already received!

Best wishes from Sam, Kate, Nia, Gemma and Dawn

***follow us on Facebook for latest updates "Beaver Road Primary School PTA"

What is the PTA?

The Parent Teacher Association is a charity and its purpose is to raise money for things the school budget can't afford. We are run by volunteers, have our own constitution and function separately to the school.

Over the last two years we've hosted lots of fun events and raised around £30,000 with a view to spending the majority on outdoor play equipment. To date we have allocated funds to the following activities/equipment, leaving approximately £20,000 to spend. We'll work with school to progress outdoor play plans this year.

  • New outdoor den making and play equipment for the nursery and reception - with more planned

  • SENCO equipment for special needs learning

  • Yr 1 role play areas

  • £1,200 of reading books

  • Children's first aid training

  • Year 6 business project

  • Art equipment to provide the same facilities at the juniors as there are at the first school

  • AV system for the junior school

  • Online safety education

  • Flamenco dancing and music on Spanish Day

  • Sports equipment for playtimes and PE

  • Playground equipment at the first school

The Committee

Treasurer and Co-Chair: Kate Peacock. Kate is mum to Eliza and founder of award winning Imagination Baby

Co-Chair and communications: Sam Crowe. Sam is a mum to Thomas and Nicholas, and a freelancer PR Consultant

Secretary: Nia Horan. Nia is an early years teacher at Beaver Road

Volunteer committee member: Gemma Martin. Gemma is mum to Honey and Pearl with a background in nursing. Gemma looks after fundraising campaigns that involve specialist suppliers.

Volunteer committee member: Dawn Cheshire. Dawn is mum to Callum, Connor & Luke, and studying for a BSc in health sciences

****In September we will host our AGM and we are looking for new committee members to take over when Kate and Sam step down. Think this could be you? Please email us so we can help you understand what's involved:

If we can't fill the posts the charity will go dormant.

Second hand uniform

We can't hold a second hand uniform sale in the school grounds at the moment. Instead we've set up a sale online. All of the items are good quality and clean (though we recommend washing again).

Prices as follows:

  • trousers, shorts, shirts and dresses are £1.50

  • jumpers and cardigans are £2

  • t-shirts are £1.

We also have a Pot Luck sale for things like t-shirts that have pen marks on them or are faded. These items are perfectly wearable and sold at a much reduced price.

The sale will run until 14th September, when we'll check for purchases daily, and then be monitored less regularly after that for the foreseeable future.

You need a PTA Social account to buy items online. Please see instuctions below on how to get started. After you've made a purchase contact Sam on 07855 943 019 and she will arrange a collection from her house. If you have any questions please email

Already have an account? Go to the sale!

or set up an account

Raise money when you get ready for this term with Stamptastic and Stikins

We've teamed up with Stamptastic and Stikins to offer you two ways to raise money for the school when you buy 'no sew' name labels.

Stamptastic will donate 15% to us when you buy a personalised stamp and ink pad from its shop. Simply put the school postcode, M206SX, into the discount box when you check out. You'll receive a discount voucher to use on your next purchase, which is handy for all the great crafts and gifts they also sell.

You can get a free white market pen worth £4.99 if you order the deluxe stamp and ink pad set. Entering the same discount code will ensure £4.99 is deducted from your order.

Stikins makes sticker labels that won't come off in the wash. Stikins will donate 15% when you buy a set of personalised labels from its online shop. Just put 1542 in the school fundraising box.

Our orders arrived within 48 hours!

Set up an account

Create an account

Visit our page at: create an account and you will then be directed to our home page.

Or log in

If you already have a volunteer account then log in on the PTA Social home page as normal: (you can get a password reminder here).

Find the event

As soon as you log in you will see our homepage with all the events that you can buy tickets for, or items to buy.

Buy tickets/items

Click 'Buy Tickets', select the tickets you need, a buy now button will appear to check out securely. You may see a pop up as you check out asking for details we need so we can check your child in to an event for example.


Stamptastic donates 15% of all personalised name stamp and ink pad orders to us. Enter the school postcode M206SX at the checkout in the promo code box.

Amazon Smile

Amazon Smile will donate a % of what you spend to the PTA when you make purchases online at or in the smile Amazon app. Just nominate Beaver Road PTA as your SMILE charity.

We've had around £130 income from this over the spring. THANK YOU!

**NEW Stikins donates 15% on purchases of personalised name stickers when you put 1542 in the school fundrasing box at check out. Packs of label;s start at £6.80 for 30. Packs of 60, 90 and 120 available too.

The Giving Machine donates a % of what you buy online from top retailers

Simply set up an account and nominate us as your charity. When you're ready to shop select the retailer you want to buy from and it will redirect you to the retailer's website. This is then tracked and your purchase earns us commission. Find out more here.

Keep in touch: Beaver Road Primary School PTA on Facebook *** @BeaverRoad_PTA on Twitter ***

PTA committee: Kate Peacock, Treasurer / Co-Chair & parent - Sam Crowe, Co-Chair, communications manager & parent - Tina Jackson parent partnership champion - Gemma Martin, Dawn Cheshire volunteer committee members and parents

CAN YOUR COMPANY MATCH FUND THE MONEY WE RAISE? Lots of companies help their employees double the money they raise for chairty. Does you company do this? There's a list here. Please get in touch if you can help us boost what we raise, and don't worry that this might turn into volunteering time. It won't, we have found ways to make this very light touch involvement for people!