Christmas jumper collection Jan 2021

Christmas Jumper collection January 5th - 8th

What's happening?

Niki Napier-Munn (reception parent) and Bernadette Lomas (yr 1 /3 parent) have volunteered to collect unwanted, good condition Christmas jumpers to sell at next year's Christmas fair (fingers crossed).

When? January 5th-8th at drop off

Where? At the main entrance of the juniors and in the year 1 playground at the first school.

Why? There are around 850 children across the school and many have at least one Christmas jumper, as do other family members. These jumpers are worn each year for a relatively short period of time. That’s good for consumerism and Christmas joy, but not so for the environment.

Of course many of these are re-worn by younger siblings or passed on to family and friends. But then what? We'd like to help pass them on to new owners and make money for school at the same time.

So in January we will collect and then store donated jumpers for parents to buy or rent next Christmas. We'll let you know how we'll do this nearer the time.

Can you help?

Depending on take-up this could be a fairly large under-taking, and it could require a lot of storage. If you’d like to volunteer your time to organise collections or can offer storage space then please get in touch.

With great thanks, and wishing you a wonderful holiday,

Niki Napier-Munn and Bernadette Lomas


REMINDER we have lots of second hand uniform available. Great condition trousers, jumpers, cardigans, skirts, shorts and dresses. Very few yellow t-shirts and some PE kit. Email us on if you want to see what we have in the sizes you need.