
Wow! What a magical night we had on Friday.

So many parents, carers and teachers helped make it possible. Thank you for your time, effort, creativity and enthusiasm. And thank you to everyone who made donations, baked, and came along to enjoy it. Read on to find out how much we have raised and who has won the raffle!

In particular, we'd like to say thank you to Ellie and Parvinder who spent all day, with no budget, getting the grotto ready for Father Christmas' arrival, and the year 6 parents for whom it was their last Christmas of volunteering. People like Karen, who has run the much loved adopt a teddy stall every year, will be missed. THANK YOU!

Coffee mornings resume this week and we will have second hand uniform available if you want to refresh the wardrobe before next term.

Have a jingle-tastic weekend, and healthy and happy Christmas! Sam, Kate, Nia, Gemma and Dawn

p.s. Free(ish) Booze...

We have some Fosters, John Smiths, assorted IPA and Magners in the cellar. It's passed its best before so we can't sell it. If you want it, and can collect it, it's yours (for a small donation....) contact us First come, first served...

It’s the last time we will deliver a Christmas fair as a committee....

Please get in touch if you’re interested in taking on the PTA next September. We have documented everything you need to be a success so it’s straightforward to pick up. And we have exciting events lined up for spring and summer that you can shadow to learn the ropes. You can make a difference to children's lives and the facilities we have at school. If you want to know more about what's involved email

Grand total! Drum roll please...

The Christmas cards, mugs etc made £1,600! The Christmas raffle and the sale of the Beaver Road Totes made £2,098 and the fair made just short of £3,787. Bringing the total for Christmas fundraising to £7,485!

Added to the £8,541 we have already made, our total for the term is:


How did we do it? Second hand uniform sale, Stamptastic commission, Co-Op, Neil Barrett Photo offer, movie night, Glow disco, Christmas cards, Christmas raffle, Christmas fair, and the PJK sponsorship of £1000. THANK YOU for your support.

We're now in discussion with the school about spending plans and will update you in January.

Matched funding

Parents from Santander and Barclays are helping us get matched funding so we can boost this total even more. If you helped in advance or on the day and your company matches funds please get in touch! More info here.

Winner winner, Christmas dinner...

Congratulations to Finlay in 5R who guessed the puppy’s name was Shadow!

And well done to Aysha for winning the children’s hamper. In true Christmas spirit, he's decided to share it with his friends and donate some to Wood Street Mission. What a super chap!

You can still win by taking part in the Philip James competition! Take your entry to the branch in Didsbury before the closing date 7th December.

CONGRATULATIONS! Raffle winners....

Prizes are in the first school office unless we've said you need to contact us to arrange collection via

please excuse any misspellings on names

PJK £100 - SHANI WADLE (01725) please contact us to arrange collection

Neil Barrett Photography voucher - LOUISE HARGEN (075584)

Neil Barrett Photography voucher - GAIL JOHNSON (00399)

Nuffield Health family membership for one month - DAVE BANHAM (07111) please email us so we can forward the pass to you

Food Sorcery £60 - VIVIANA CONFUERAS (03879) please email us so we can forward the voucher to you

Annies Voucher £50 - MARY WAKELAM (07128)

Bisous Bisous tea for two - THEO ARMANI BROWN (04163)

Pasha one meal for two people - MITCHELL (01116)

Pasha one meal for two people JENNY KENRICK (05301)

Brandon May hair products - BECKY UPTON (03991) these are in storage, please contact us to arrange collection.

Gusto voucher - LUCIANA TRINNO (06536)

Junior Sport Stars one day holiday club pass - ROBERT HAINES (05214)

Toddler sense one month voucher - LINDA BROADBENT (05085)

Junior Sport Stars one day holiday club pass LIZZIE / ELLIOT 6B) (00757)

Flourish £30 - LAIRA HOUGHIN (06340)

Mary's Hairdressing & More cut and blow dry - FERGUS OVERSHOTT (01250)

Kjole Hat and scarf set - LYNNE SIMS (03819) these are in storage, please contact us to arrange collection.

Axons voucher £25 - JANA (07867)

Burton Road Brewery selection - RACHEL COLLETT (05418) these are in storage, please contact us to arrange collection.

Bud Garden Centre £20 - ALISON MALKIN (07077)

Healthy Spirit £20 voucher KIM KENNEDY (03811)

Giddy Goat Toys £15 - MATT FORDHAM (08030)

Junior Sport Stars Adult class voucher - MARYELLE DAVIS (02641)

Junior Sport Stars Adult class voucher - MOORZOUK (02264)

Cheese Hamlet £10 - BRUCE HUMPHREY (01138)

Caroline England books - JOSE IZQUIRAS (03256) these are in storage, please contact us to arrange collection.

Backs Deli voucher & prosecco - WESTCOTT (06015) these are in storage, please contact us to arrange collection.

Backs Deli voucher & prosecco - ROB WARSON (05390) these are in storage, please contact us to arrange collection.

Backs Deli voucher & prosecco - BARBARA DEALEY (01267) these are in storage, please contact us to arrange collection.

Backs Deli hamper - BAILEY (03829) this is in storage, please contact us to arrange collection.

Don't forget you can donate to us with The Giving Machine and Amazon this Christmas.

It's easy to set up just go to:

  • and select the company you want to buy from, making sure you have nominated Beaver Road PTA as your charity first,
  • and use to set us up as your nominated Amazon charity and then start your shopping. You need to use every time you shop on Amazon for us to benefit as going to won't record a donation.

Please tell your friends and family about these great ways for us to raise cash.

Keep in touch: Beaver Road Primary School PTA on Facebook *** @BeaverRoad_PTA on Twitter ***

PTA committee: Kate Peacock, Treasurer / Co-Chair & parent - Sam Crowe, Co-Chair, communications manager & parent - Nia Horan, secretary & teacher - Gemma Martin, Dawn Cheshire volunteer committee members and parents