Sponsored Fun Run

You can get a new form on the sponsored fun run section from PTA Social if you need one.

Yes! You’ve decided to do the sponsored fun run.

Here’s what you need to know and do:

1. Get your grown up to register on PTA Social that you are taking part. It costs £1. This needs to be done by 26June to guarantee a medal. If your grown up has difficulty doing this then ask them to email beaverrdfundraisers@outlook.com

2. Entering the sponsored fun run will automatically get you entry to the fun day. High five to that!You need to register at 10am on the day. The run starts at 10:20.

3. The course is a 1KMlap of the sports ground (970 metres to be precise) or twice round and it’s for fun. You can run, walk,skip, or wheel your wheelchairso long as you have fun. (Ask your grown up to time you if you want to get a run time –sadly wedon’t have a way to do this for you)

4. To add to the fun why not dress up as a pirate, your favourite animal or book character? There will be a prize of a football courtesy of Decathlonfor the best dressed.

5. We also have threeamazing rackets and ball goodie bags from Decathlon that you can win! To qualify you need to raise a minimum of £5, completed the run on the day, and got your sponsorship form and money in a sealed envelope (use the one your Summer Fun Day pack came in) to the school office by 15 July. You’ll then be entered into a draw to win, which will be drawn on 17July. Winners will be contacted and given their prize by 19 July.

6. There is also a prizeof10 swim lessons courtesy of Nuffield Health for the person who raises the most money!

7. In the event that two or more children raise the same amount we’ll decide by looking at the total number of individual sponsors each child got, and then if there are two or more children with the same number of sponsors we’ll draw a winner from a hat.

8. Adults are welcome to join in the fun for £2, simply register at the same time as your child so your entrance feeto the fun day is covered and to guarantee a medal. Sorry, there are no other prizes for grown-ups, just that lovely feeling of doing something fun with your child for a good cause.

9. A note for adults - when you register your child please note you’re agreeing it's ok for them to take part and run (or walk, skip, gallop) the distance and you’ll be there to cheer them on or do it with them. They need to have registered at the welcome desk and be at the start line 10 minutes before the run sets off. Please make sure you bring a water bottle and they have adequate sun protection.

10. The prizes are the prizes, there isn’t a cash alternative.