guiding & teaching

I started my professional teaching experience in computer science and statistics in the '90s. In the same decade I started teaching gymnastics and swimming. Then, over the years: outdoor, kayak, open canoe, open water sup, wild water sup. I operate as a private teacher and guide, as an instructor in sports associations, as a trainer for sports federations. I set up the stand up paddling training programs for the instructors of various federations (FICK, UISP, CSAIn, FICT). Now I am mainly engaged in developing training programs for river sup. In my career I have obtained the following patents:

Below you will find my next proposals, which combine outdoor sports, learning, community life, good food

2025 Spring

18-22 June

Ticino river


3 days and 100km paddling and bivouacking along one of the most fascinating Italian rivers

2025 Spring

21-31 May

Elba island, Tuscany

Kayak Meeting

a 10 days meeting, with sea kayak lessons and a 150km paddling around the island

2025 Spring

10-20 May

Elba island, Tuscany

Kayak Meeting

a 10 days meeting, with sea kayak lessons and a 150km paddling around the island

2024 Automn

16-20 October

Adige river, Northern Italy

Learning by Touring

a 5 days river stand up paddling course, living together in a top canoe club by the river

photo and video album

2024 Autumn

11-20 October

Sup Autumn Meeting

Italy North-East:

Friuli - Veneto

2024 autunno

date da definire

fiume Po


una settimana di navigazione in autonomia lungo il fiume Po da Valenza a ... dove arriveremo

2024 Spring

10-17 May

Elba island, Tuscany

Elba Sup&Hike Week

a week around Elba Island for stand-up-paddlers and hikers

2024 Spring

1-5 May

Elba island, Tuscany

Elba Island Kayak Tour

150km paddling around beautiful Elba Island, with sea-kayaks and sit-on-tops, bivouacking on the beaches

2024 Spring

25 April - 1 May

Tiber river, Central Italy

International Tiber Descent

one of the most renowned European paddling sports events: 200km across central Italy with arrival in the historical centre of Rome

2024 Spring

20-24 April

Adige river, Northern Italy

Learning by Touring

a 4 days intensive river stand up paddling course, living together in a top canoe club by the river

2023 Automn

7-15 October

Adige river, Northern Italy

Learning by Touring

an 8 days river stand up paddling course, living together in a top canoe club by the river

photo and video album

2023 Natale

26 dicembre - 1 gennaio

fiume Gari, Lazio

Vacanze di Natale attive!

una settimana insieme in un bel contesto naturale lungo il fiume Gari a Cassino FR, imparando sup fluviale, tecniche di sopravvivenza, riconoscimento di erbe

Formazione sup fluviale

[in collaborazione con asd Discesa Internazionale del Tevere]

La asd Discesa Internazionale del Tevere è stata la prima associazione in Italia a introdurre e a promuovere stabilmente lo stand up paddling in fiume, principalmente sul Tevere (fiume di classe WW3), fin dal 2014. Da allora sono centinaia i suppisti che si sono cimentati sui tratti più o meno difficili del fiume, principalmente sul tratto romano con le sue note rapide.

L’associazione ha avviato nel 2022 un percorso formativo mirato al fiume per una categoria di pagaiatori che normalmente non ha familiarità con esso. Il percorso ha ottenuto il riconoscimento della Federazione Italiana Canoa Turistica ed è inquadrato nel suo percorso per diventare Tecnico della Federazione.

Il percorso formativo si articola su tre livelli: base, intermedio, avanzato.

Corso per brevetto Sup Fluviale 1° livello = suppista fluviale principiante

Corso per brevetto Sup Fluviale 2° livello = suppista fluviale intermedio

Corso per brevetto Sup Fluviale 3° livello = suppista fluviale avanzato = Esperto Sup Fluviale FICT

Luoghi e sedi dei corsi

River sup suggested equipment


We imagine the bed of a river as a road on which water flows.  It is not so.  Especially in rivers subject to level variations, stones, branches, trees roll, get stuck, pile up on the river bed;  but also sheet metal, iron, glass, ropes.  The bed of a river with flowing water is one of the most dangerous places to walk: danger of injury, snagging, death.  As a general rule you shouldn't walk in the river: you should swim.  However we must protect our feet well for the inevitable contacts with the ground, in and out of the water: moreover, entering and leaving the river can take place in very inconvenient places.

As shoes, if you don't wish to spend 100 euro for proper river shoes, I recommend light walking boots (for example in Italy we can buy such shoes with some 20 euro at Decathlon). Size should be +1/+2.

On the feet we can wear synthetic socks or, if it's cold, 2-3-5mm neoprene socks.


The river helmet has multiple functions.

It is a protection in case of a fall.

It is a protection against impacts above the river (e.g. branches).

It is a protection against underwater shocks (e.g. rocks).

It is a protection from the cold.

The helmet for our uses must be a helmet for water sports: it is a relatively light helmet, it has many openings on the shell for water drainage, it has closed cell padding which does not get soaked in water. It can be with/without ear flaps and with/without the chin guard: there are advantages and disadvantages for each conformation.

I use a helmet with ear flaps, no chin guard, and I usually wear a simple cap with a visor under my helmet.


They protect knees and shins from impacts that can occur on the board or in the water against rocks and logs. They also protect the wetsuit from tearing.

They must be of the right size and well worn.

They can be found second hand used for the sport of downhill, in Italy for around 30 euro.


The river sup paddle has a fundamental difference with the sup paddle in open water: it has no angle between the shaft and the blade.

In all types of waters, but especially for river sup, I am against adjustable and divisible paddles.

For river sup I use a paddle length of about 25-30cm more than my height. But most river sup experts prefer a length about 10cm more. The length of the paddle is much a personal matter.

For long touring I use a carbon Mergner, made by a German artisan.

Most of the time I use this policarbonate blade Ainsworth, which I ordered in special configuration with aluminum shaft and this T-grip, which I prefer in order to hook the handle of a sup or a tree branch.

I use river paddles about 25-30cm higher than me.

Example of medical certification


Certificate of fitness to practice non-competitive sporting activity

I certify that Andrea Ricci born in Rome on 30/01/1963, living in Rome, Italy,

based on the anamnestic data collected by me and the medical examination carried out by me, of the blood pressure values detected, as well as the electrocardiogram report executed on 15/06/2023, does not present any contraindications in progress of non-competitive sporting activity.

This certificate is valid for one year from the date of issue.

[Place and Date] Rome 15/06/2023

[Signature and stamp of the certifying doctor]


Bescheinigung über die Eignung zur Ausübung einer nicht wettbewerbsorientierten sportlichen Betätigung

Ich bestätige, dass Andrea Ricci, geboren in Rom am 30.01.1963,  wohnhaft in Rom,

Aufgrund der von mir erhobenen anamnestischen Daten und der von mir durchgeführten ärztlichen Untersuchung der ermittelten Blutdruckwerte sowie des am 15.06.2023 erstellten Elektrokardiogramm-Berichts ergeben sich keine Kontraindikationen für die Ausübung einer nicht wettbewerbsorientierten sportlichen Betätigung Aktivität.

Dieses Zertifikat ist ein Jahr ab Ausstellungsdatum gültig.

[Ort und Datum] Rom 15.06.2023

[Unterschrift und Stempel des bescheinigenden Arztes]

Esercitazione sicurezza

L'esercitazione è rivolta a chi è interessato a conoscere i differenti mezzi a pagaia da usare in acque aperte, mare e lago, o in fiume.


Some tours I've been organising over the years: