France, Durance

Durance: beautiful valley and river, with demanding stretches and variety of situations. Durance is a river for sup experts or for groups under the guidance of an expert guide. Some of the stretches are not suitable for long fins due to rocks and shallow water.


photo albums:


DF = Drinking Fountain

From Briançon to Saint-Martin-de-Queyrières, 5km, ww3, difficulty 4/5

km 0,0 Guisane (right)

km 1,5  bridge D36B

km 4,1 railway bridge, long rapid!

km 4,7 bridge

km 5,3 rafting center Briançon (right) (DF)

From L'Argentière-la-Bessée to Embrun, 34km, ww3, difficulty 5/5

km 0,0-0,4 # L'Argentière-la-Bessée, slalom track, start (right) - slalom track, end (right) (DF): 0,4km, ww3, difficulty 5/5

km 0,4-3,6 # L'Argentière-la-Bessée, slalom track, end (right) (DF) - La Roche-de-Rame, bridge (left): 3,2km, ww3, difficulty 4/5

km 3,6-10,2 # La Roche-de-Rame, bridge (left), long rapid! - Saint-Crepin, bridge Aérodrome (right) (DF): 6,6km, ww3, difficulty 4/5

km 10,2-13,8 # Saint-Crepin, bridge Aérodrome (right) (DF) - Eygliers, Camping du Lac Les Iscles (left): 3,6km, ww2, difficulty 1/5

km 13,8-14-8 # Eygliers, Camping du Lac Les Iscles (left) - river Guil (left): 1,0km, ww2, difficulty 1/5

km 14,8-17,4 # Eygliers, river Guil (left) - Saint-Clément-sur-Durance, slalom track, start (left): 2,6km, ww2, difficulty 2/5

km 17,4-17,8 # Saint-Clément-sur-Durance, slalom track, start (left) - slalom track, end (left) (DF): 0,4km, ww3, difficulty 4/5

km 17,8-23,1 # Saint-Clément-sur-Durance, slalom track, end (left) (DF) - Châteauroux-les-Alpes, beach (right): 5,3km, ww2, difficulty 3/5

km 23,1-23,6 # Châteauroux-les-Alpes, beach (right) - vague du Rabioux (right): 0,5km, ww3, difficulty 5/5

km 23,6-33,9 # vague du Rabioux (right) - Embrun, beach (right): 10,3km, ww3, difficulty 4/5