Wire Sculpture

Standing Wire Tower

Wire Sculpture

I just wanted to finish this project and make it look relatively look like the object that I had. But I didn't finish this project and so I didn't achieve my goals for the project. I really wanted to make all the connections sturdy and stable which consumed a lot of my time. 

I only used the black wire, the pliers, and the wire cutters to create this project. I ended up developing blisters from using the pliers and cutters so much. 

I really wish I had finished this project but I didn't use the time I was given well enough. I put it off for a while and then I was a little rushed at the end. I thought that I would really enjoy this project, but I ended up feeling very stressed and pressed with time to finish it. I don't know why I chose to do such a complex object to make, and I really wish that I had chosen something much simpler. I bit off way more than I could chew and I got overwhelmed. If I were to redo this sort of project, I would've chosen an object much simpler in shape. I think that if I didn't give up and I would've continued on with the project, it could've looked pretty cool.