Linear Perspective

School Perspective 

11" x14" 

Graphite, ink, and colored pencil on printmaking paper

Interior Perspective

11" x 14"

Graphite on printmaking paper

1 point perspective

graphite on drawing paper

9" x12"

2 point linear perspective

graphite on drawing paper

9" x12"

My main focus when drawing all of these pieces was to really make sure the shapes looked as though they were going towards the point. I really wanted to be precise but it was harder when things overlapped. My main focus when drawing the interior perspective I wasn't focused on making the furniture look incredibly realistic but more that I was trying to make sure the perspective looked right. 

I used a 2h to start all of the drawings. And continued over with the softer B pencils. The drawing process took quite a while and I had to redraw lines. I found it hard to keep all the lines straight and even when tracing them. With the school/interior perspective drawings I went over them in sharpie. 

For the school/interior perspective drawings  I expected both of them to look a lot different before I drew them, I had expected them to turn out as very messy and not clear where the perspective point was. Also, I had thought that I was going to add more details to the drawings, but by the end of drawing them I had given up and didn't add much.