Foundations of Art

This year was such an experimental year for me and my art, I feel like I took this year in art class to learn about all these different styles of art and the materials, and I think I really learned what I liked and didn't like and what worked and didn't work for me. Some of the materials and projects that we did this year really show how I struggled, for example, the surrealism collage, or the wire sculpture project. I think I really noticed that it was always a time issue for me, and I think that was reflected in the final product of my projects. I think that I came to realize that I love color in my art, and I love to have weird themes within my art, I think I learned that I do not enjoy realistic art and I think that it's not what I would want to pursue. I think my art improved as I got more comfortable and confident with my art. As I found what I really liked creating, I think that I became more creative and again confident with what I was making. I feel like, at the beginning of the year, I was purely doing what I was assigned and told to do in class, and I wasn't trying to really go above and beyond and get creative, I realized by the end of the year, I was trying to do more for art and be more creative in what I was making. I think either the duck stamp project or the wire sculpture project was the most difficult project of the year. I think I struggled to complete them within the time frame I was given, I didn't end up finishing both of those projects. I knew at the start of them that they weren't going to be my strongest areas. For the duck stamp, I really wanted to finish but I ended up avoiding doing the actual ducks until it was too late in the project. For assemblage, I picked a very complex item and I wish I picked something else. It was a very difficult thing to make look realistic out of wire and I got very frustrated when doing it and eventually gave up. I really really love the zoomed shoe drawing. I loved the colors and making it was super fun. I think after that project I knew what my art style was and how I wanted to make art in the future. I just think it turned out really cool and I just really like it. I also really like my independently created project. I think that one and the zoomed shoe drawing have the same vibes and reflect the same style of art that I like. I really want to get a sketchbook for the summer and do a page every day. I love creating art so much and I think it's so good for the brain. I want to stay creative and still have an open mind to new art styles. I really want to continue doing art throughout my whole life. This year was actually very important for me because I was able to grow and understand myself and my art and what I want to create and make in the future. This foundations of art class also really pushed me to always be making art and have it always be on my mind.