Eccentric Teapot 

For this project, I created a rounded inflated pufferfish, for the glazing I was inspired by the pull-apart erasers. A lot would have one color on the top and then the bottom would be white. And so I glazed the top half of the fish in yellow and the rest in white. I used the coil method to build up the pot and keep it rounded and burnished it with a metal rib. I then cut a hole for the spout of the teapot and attached the fins and tail using slipping and scoring. Since the tail was the handle of the pot, it needed to be sturdier, so I wrapped clay around the originally skinny tail giving it more structure. I think that it turned out super successful. I ended up not covering the entire thing in the spikes due to how tedious they were to make and attach, plus I didn't want them all to break off instantly. I think the way I glazed it looked a little funky, I wasn't sure where to cut off the yellow from the white, so it ended up with just a weird ring of yellow around the top. I had also decided not to add eyes to the teapot, I thought it looked a bit too creepy for me and I thought it would look better without the eyes. If I did it again I would probably make the spikes a little shorter and have more of them, the spikes I had on there just looked kind of awkward.