Ceramics 2

I love love love doing ceramics so, my experience in both ceramics 1 and 2 has been really good. I think that since in Ceramics 1, we did so many more projects and were learning more about the techniques, I thought Ceramics 2 would also have a lot of projects. However I think no matter the amount of projects completed I still had a really fun time, and Mr. A was always there to help and give advice which I always appreciated. I think that with every project, I was mostly able to get right into making it, I would have a clear idea in my head that I was mostly able to execute successfully.

The project that challenged me the most was probably the alternate material project. When developing an idea, I found it hard to settle on what material I wanted to include, and then deciding what I actually wanted to make with the clay was tricky to pick. During the process, I changed my idea so many times, that I ended up running out of time and had to just choose something to make. Another challenge I faced during the project process was actually making my alternate material, since I had chosen to do a friendship bracelet, I had to find my string and make the whole bracelet so that it would fit all the way around my form. But I ended up losing the first bracelet and I never ended up making another one, which left that project incomplete. 

The project that I am the most proud of is my element of nature project. It came out super clean and smooth and it ended up being functional. I also think that I had the most fun making the watering can. It turned out exactly how I had imagined it to which was a super satisfying feeling. 
Ceramics class has always been the class that I've enjoyed going to the most. It was super laidback and you were free to just create and try new things and express yourself in an artistic way. I liked how each project was introduced even if you were still working on the project before. I liked how I was able to think about the new project as I glazed the previous one. I would've wanted to do more projects in ceramics 2 though, since we would've had more time and we had the skills to make new things. I would've wanted to experiment more and create new and different things.   

Thank you Mr. A for a really great and amazing year of ceramics and I am very sad that I won't be able to have you as a teacher again. :(