Artist Inspired

This project we were assigned to create something that combines the skills, styles, or colors that two different artists use in their work. So after doing the research on both artists, I decided that I wanted to make a functional vase that had holes on the top half of the vase and then the bottom half would have the add-ons to it. I used a slab to make the bottom half, attaching not-hollowed-out balls to the sides of the slab, and then as I moved up to the neck of the vase I used coils to build up and variate the thickness of the neck. After I assembled the whole vase I then cut the holes in the top half making sure that the opening at the top of the vase was still supported and would keep its shape. You can't really tell in the picture, but the balls that I had attached originally had circular indents all over them, however when I was glazing I had filled the holes, at the time I didn't think about how they won't be there after the glazing is done. So that's the main thing I would've wanted to pay attention to and decreased the amount of glaze that I put on the balls. Other than that I really love how it turned out and the glaze combo I used looks super cool.