
Artist Statement;

I took this photo of my hand covered in paint because I thought that if I were to find a way to incorporate the three primary colors while still having a somewhat detailed photo, it might look neat. I really like the way that you can see both the fine detail of my hand, along with the detail of the paint. When creating this photo, I decided that if I were to rub the paint all over my hand, but not too much to the point where it just looked messy, it could make an interesting and unique image. In this photo, there is informal balance because my hand takes up the entire right side of the photo whereas the left side, is quite plain despite the colors I added to it. Also, there is selective focus because my hand with the paint on it is in focus but the wall in the background with the shadow from the window is not in focus. I liked this photo because of the simplicity although it doesn't look so simple to the point where it is boring. I really like how the paint on my hand is not clean or organized, it is simply smudged and smeared across my hand. This could have a deeper meaning to some people because to me, it makes me think about the fact that sometimes, although things are messy or may seem ugly, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and someone will find it beautiful.