Christmas Break

Candy Cane Lane

This photo is one I took over Christmas break while my brother and his wife and two kids came over to visit from England. While they were here I asked them if they wanted to make gingerbread houses and they were overjoyed when I asked because they had never decorated one before! So we got to work busily decorating the three gingerbread houses. Once they were all finished, they mother wanted to take a photo of them and I just thought, you know, that would make a cute photo, so I whipped out my camera and took a photo before the children started eating them. When I took this photo I was not really thinking of how to make it an amazing photo as opposed to an okay or good photo and because the kids really wanted to eat their gingerbread houses, I didn't have much time anyway. However, there is some informal balance in this photo and one could argue there is even leading lines from the tablecloth. If there was anything I would have liked to change about this photo it would have been to clean up the mess behind the gingerbread houses and to remove the cup and bowl.