Compositions & Techniques

Low Horizon Line

High Key Lighting


Close Up

Low Key Light

Leading Lines

Angle Up

Selective Focus

Informal Balance

Rule of Thirds


Angle Down

High Horizon Line

Sharp Focus

Soft Focus

Formal Balance

Far Distance


A Long Journey This piece of a single footprint in the ground while someone is walking through the sand was taken in a warm, sandy environment where the subject felt free to walk as he pleased. When I took this photo, the subject was simply walking along and all I used was my Canon Powershot 530. I chose to take this photo because as I was walking behind the subject, I noticed that his footprints were very distinct so I decided to pull out my camera and shoot the photo. I took several like this but I chose to use this one because the contrast between the sand and the subject was very distinct and you could clearly see the footprint. I also chose this photo because it is a good example of informal balance, sharp focus, and rule of thirds. As you look at the photo you can tell that the subject is not in the center but closer to the right third of the photo, making it rule of thirds. You can also see the informal balance because both the shadow and the footprint are on the right side leaving the left side almost empty. This photo is also an example of sharp focus because there is no one part of the photo that is in focus, the whole photo is. When looking through the photos I originally liked this photo just the way it was but once I began to edit and mess around with it, the more I realized it could become a better photo if I did so. There is no specific meaning or story to this photo but it could resemble many different things and could mean something different to different people who see it. To me I guess this photo kind of symbolizes being free to do what you want and that kind of relates to my life because I did circus for a while and that always gave me this feeling of being free. Whenever I would walk around barefoot I felt like like I could do a lot because it gave me to freedom to tumble or do aerials or anything else circus related. One thing I don’t like about this photo is the shape of the shadow, I like it being there but the shape is a little odd and if it looked more like the person in the image carrying their shoes it could make the photo a lot more detailed and could help to give the photo an entirely different meaning.