
The Leaf and The Shadow

I took this photo in the halls of the high school by the science wing. Everyday I always walk down that hall in the afternoon and there is this one green tree in front of a maroon wall and the shadows from the windows make lines creating a beautiful striped background. I always see it and want to take a stunning photo but every time I've tried the photo hasn't come out well, or my camera wasn't working. When I was taking the photos on this roll of film, I wanted it to be a plant series so I took many different photos of this plant and a few others around the building. When I developed this film I was super excited to see the photos on the roll but when I did, I was not as content with it as I had hoped. Several of the photos didn't come out at all, some were not clear quality, and some I just did not like. Looking at the contact print, this one looked clear and detailed. I really like this photo because the leaves themselves are very detailed and you can see the selective focus on the leaves. I also really like the shadows in the background. One thing about this photo was I accidentally left it in the rinse over the weekend which explains the wrinkles and watermarks. When I went to reprint it, I found the other photo which I liked as well and tried to develop that one but in the end, I liked this photo better.