Realistic Self Portrait


Artist Statement;

For this project, we had to take an image of ourselves which we then edited so that there was no saturation, and then printed out on a regular 8.5"x11" piece of printer paper. From there, we began to grid the image out into 1" squares until the whole image was split up. With the half inch edges, we were given the choice to either make up what was inside, or get rid of them. Once our image was gridded, we took our piece of bristol and began to grid that into 1" squares as well.

For this project, I used an assortment of graphite pencils from 6H all the way to 6B, I also used erasers, tortillions, and a 1 inch viewfinder. I started in the top left corner and began to make my way down from there. At the bottom of the column, I went back to the top and started the next column.

When creating this image, I got about halfway through a column when I began to lose motivation to finish it. I took a break from it for about two weeks and then decided to pick it back up to finish the column I was on. Personally, I'm super proud of the way my hoodie and into my neck turned out, I think it looks super realistic, I just think I could have done a better job with the values on my face. I didn't really use bright brights and dark darks like it was in my image.