
Artist Statement;

This is a photo of my dead flowers that are slowly falling apart in a glass vase on my small wicker night stand. Although this photo is not really complimentary colors, the yellowish hue of the the bottom of each petal against the fading purplish hue of the petals looks similar to complimentary colors. When taking this photo, I didn't want a simple photo of a bunch of flowers so I got closer up to get more of the detail of the flowers and the petals. Some rules and techniques used in this photo are selective focus and rule of thirds. The few flowers in the middle are in focus with more detail than the wicker table top in the background the the few flowers in the foreground. The rule of thirds is the fact that the majority of the subject is on the right third of the photo. I liked this photo because it resembles that although all things will grow old and eventually die, there is beauty in everything if you look at it with the right thought and mindset.