Pure Contour

Artist Statement;

For this project, we were supposed to draw three different angles of a shoe, the top, the side, and the front. My favorite of the three was the side angle because I took way more time on it and I think it looks fairly realistic. To start this project, I was given a regular sheet of drawing paper which I then folded in half making it 12"x17". Once I had my paper, I chose my crocs to begin this project.

I started off with the side view which is the one above. I started by simply sketching out the outline of the shoe until I got the general shape and proportions. Once I had my outline I began to go through adding the details. Once I was finished with that, I went back and erased any of the sketchy lines.

To make this, I used drawing paper, and I started off with a 4H pencils to do the sketching. Once the sketching was done, I went over in a slightly darker pencil and then used an eraser to erase any sketchy lines.