Collagraph Printmaking

Artist Statement;

For this project, we had to create an image using random objects found around the house. Originally, I tried to make a collagraph plate using leaves and grass but then when I tried to make prints out of it, it completely fell apart. I had found some old cardboard around the house so I started to cut them up and try again.

I wanted to make a palm tree because I'm currently in Georgia where there are palm trees everywhere and they are my favorite kinds of trees. I started off by cutting out a long strip for the trunk, then cutting out smaller pieces for the leaves. I also wanted a sun so I used some foam like stuff to create a sun in the top corner. Once all the pieces were glued onto another larger piece of cardboard, I put three layers of glue onto of everything to seal it. Once it was sealed, I had trouble finding paint but eventually I got some which I used to paint on the print, then print it onto another sheet of paper. Once I had my three prints, I added grass and some more paint to the tree to fill in some of the spots that were missed.

Overall this project was fun. It would have turned out better if I has better materials but I'm happy with the outcomes.