

The subject of my photo is a bunch of different supplies that I found when looking around the art room. The background is just a plain piece of photo paper. I created this piece focused on different materials I found in the art room. I used a pair of headphones, a pencil, an eraser and ink pen tip. I laid them all out so that they filled up most of the page but still connected or overlapped in some places. I wanted to create a photo like this because I thought that all of these items reseblemed a project for school or something along those lines. I thought that with a pencil, eraser and part or a pen it made me think of working on something in class and with the headphones, it added what I like to do while working in class. When placing the objects on the paper I tried to space them out so that they weren’t very crammed into the small space. When I created this photo I was not specifically thinking about composition rules but some that are present are formal balance, leading lines, and silhouette. The only things that I changed throughout the creation of this photo was the way that I arranged all the objects of the paper. I was trying not to make the paper look too cluttered but I also tried not to have a bunch of open space throughout the photo.