
Pool Side

Grassy Shadows

Artist Statement;

I took this photo laying down in the floor with my legs up against the wall. I was just laying there on my phone when I looked up and saw the shadow on the wall and thought, ‘woah that looks neat’ so I took the photo. To take and create this image, I simply used a wall, my feet, and my phone. When taking this photo, I placed one of my feet in the shadow and one of my feet in the sunlight to create a half and half look/formal balance look. In this image, there is formal balance by the way it is half in a shadow, half in the sun, and with on foot on one side, and one on the other. I also feel like you could even argue that leading lines it visible by the line of the shadow. When I first took this photo, I just liked it because of the green of my socks and pants contrasting against the plain light colored wall but as I began to edit it and try to think of a way to connect it to my concentration, I thought it could be cool to overlay some sort of green plant in the shadow. At first I didn't really know what kind of plant to do but then I thought, grass is simple so I decided on grass.