
For this assignment, we were tasked again with using a film camera to take portraits of just one person. I chose to do Finn Love because he is a good friend and person. Since I was out a lot and had a lot of difficulty managing my time due to my stress and anxiety, my teacher allowed me to split the assignment in half into the shadows reflections assignment and the portrait assignment so I could do 12 portraits and 12 shadows and reflections. 

I first started by rolling out some film and adding it to the film camera. Next, I walked around and looked for who I could take a picture of. I was reluctant enough to find Finn in a study hall, so it gave me a great advantage to take some photos of him. After I had all my images together, I went back and processed them in the dark room, and I thought they turned out well because this time, I made sure not to have any light interfere with my film when I was rolling it up together earlier.

I would say that the biggest thing I need to work on is not getting so overly stressed with my work and though this was a stressful week for me I can't make any excuses because it's my responsibility to control the emotions and actions during those circumstances. But I would say for the most part I did some great work on my own with some of the images that I processed and I again thank you Mr. Andreson for your patience and time you have had for me during these assignments. So thank you so much!!