Soft slab construction

 Length of my slabs

  Width of my slabs

Green is used for the inside of one of the interiors of the mugs. Red was used for two of the card designs. Red mixed with a little light blue & and green to try and make that dreamy color for the mug but didn't look very well when fired

Black used for the slab handle & two of the card designs.

Light blue was used for the inside of the two the mugs & one of the handles

Red mixed with some Iron stone as one of the base colors.

Aerial view of my mugs.

  Front view of my mugs

Artist statement:

Title: The Mugly mugs.

For this project, I made three mugs using the soft slab and pull handle method.  This assignment was about creating uniqueness between my mugs, but also showing some creation amongst them as a result. I really wanted to make them look different in their own way and one of those ways was creating different handles for each of them to show their different prospects. I also wanted to make sure they were the right size and not too thick or too tall, which I feel I did well on.

The materials that I used for my mugs include: needle tools, rolling pin, smooth surfaces, brushes and glaze for the colors.

I first started having to roll out a bunch of clay into small slabs while also measuring that they were the right length and width. Then I had to slip and score the sides together so that they would stay in one shape and not fall apart. Then once they were fused I traced around them to create a circle that would be the bottom and once I carved out that, I slipped and scored it onto the bottom of the mug. Finally, with the last bit of my clay, I used to make a creative handle that would have some creativity. Then I thought of some creative designs and carved them into each mug and finally, I glazed them using an abundance of colors, some of which I mixed together but also left the same. 

I would say that the mugs on their own came out a solid good, I would say that if I had more time I would probably have picked different glazes to work with.  I thought I picked too many glazes to work with and that's why one of the mugs didn't come out the way I was hoping for it to come out as. One of the things I struggled with was making sure the mugs didn't look like they had any creases from being scored together, and that sort of threw me off a little and I tried to blend the clay in as much as I could. But I am happier with this project because I managed to make them the right length and width, and part of art is learning new ways to create things. For this project what I learned was to not overglaze so much and that sometimes it's okay when your project is only one color instead of multiple.