Intro to Film

For this project it was our first time really using a film camera. We had to take 24 interesting images without exposing them to light. This was a problem for me in the sense that I had to be very careful because even the slightest exposure can mess up the film. We also had to learn how to enlarge the films and expose it onto larger paper. This was challenging for me as this was my first time really learning how to make prints with photographs. 

The materials that I used included: Camera, a roll of film, film opener, scissors, film roller, an interesting bag and a capsule to conceal the film before adding the chemicals.

The first thing I did was I picked out the camera that I wanted to use, then I added the film and put the DX card onto it and took 24 photos. Finally I put the film into the dark bag and had to rely on my hands to put it all together. Next I used three chemicals, DEV, STOP and FIX to shake and process my film. Then I rinsed it for five minutes and dried it off and learned to take the two of the photos that I liked and enlarged them onto a bigger print of paper. Overall I very happy with the way the two pictures turned out for the first time doing a project like this that required a lot of sensitive work and I have slowly been getting better at improving my prints.