Pure Contour

Hand holding a rubber band


2H graphite pencil.

Front view of my shoe


Graphite on paper

Aerial view of the shoe


Graphite on paper

Side view of the shoe


Graphite on paper

The main idea that guided through these three drawings were how precise I had to be with my line drawings. I had to make very nice clean lines and not have them look hairy. I wanted to make my art match up with what I was drawing as best as I could.  I feel like my shoes and my hand turned out really well

The process was very simple. I started with a light outline using a pencil then I sketched over some of the lines using graphite.  Once I had the outline and the shape done I added the details that I sketches using a 2H graphite pencil.

The process went through both drawings was basically how I could present a physical object and draw it on paper. I had a lot of times where I had to redraw my drawings. I wish that I had not made the drawings very dark.