Portrait project

Capture a moment

Use a prop

Pose at an unusual viewpoint

Backlight your subject

Incorporate shadows and extreme lighting

Get up close

Get serious

Use pattern

Frame your subject

This assignment was about taking portraits. We did this by having to take 18 separate photos using nine techniques. For mine I decided taking all of them of the same person so I could have more of a constant collection of the photos. This also made it easier to know which photos to use and not use. I chose to take them of Karstan considering he was in the same place as I was at the time. Though there were some difficulties at the beginning specifically with who to use as my subject since I don't hang out with any out side of school, and that was pretty difficult.

All of these photos that I took were from around the school. Though it took some time to understand what the rules were and what photos I should take. But once I understood all of that, the rest was a lot easier and I managed to get all of the photos that I needed during that class period. One of the things I would I could have done differently was starting this project earlier so I could have more time to focus on it rather than pushing it to the last minute to get it done, but I am more than pleased with how my photos have turned out to look like.