Blind contour project

Blind contour- Mount handmore.

Materials include pencil and colored pencils. Ruler

6 in by 7 in

The main idea that guided me through this artwork is the fact that both of the faces that I drew were connected to each other. I decided to color in the surrounding areas and make it grey so instead I have would the faces both be visible. I decided that I wanted to make the ground where the trees are standing look like gravel so I made little dots around the trees.

The materials I used were a graphite pencil, colored pencils and a normal pencil.

I drew both myself and my brother with a pencil. I then used a ruler to gently draw the lines for the trees.  Then I used colored pencils to sketch carefully on the areas that I wanted to color in.  

If I were to improve something to this sketch it would be to make the face and hand look groovy and colorful, instead of just leaving them plain white.