Digital compositions

      Leading Line original

Repetition/Grouping original

          Framing original

   Informal Balance original

Formal Balance original

        Leading Line edited

 Repetition/Grouping edited

            Framing edited

    Informal Balance edited

    Formal Balance edited

 Rule of Thirds original

   Rule of Thirds edited

  Low Horizon Line original

   Low Horizon Line edited

  High Horizon Line original

   High Horizon Line edited

    Selective Focus original

      Selective Focus edited

 High Key Lighting original

   High Key Lighting edited

  Low Key Lighting original

    Low Key Lighting edited

 Silhouette Lighting original

  Silhouette Lighting edited

         Angle Up original

Angle Up edited

Angle Down original

 Angle Down edited

 Close Distance original

  Close Distance edited

   Far Distance original

       Far Distance edited

Soft Focus original

  Soft Focus edited

For this assignment we had to take 18 different photos and put them into a composition. Some of the photos that I took include landscape photos from my summer as well as some you would see around the school. I used my computer to edit all these images in a way that would enhance their look and make them appear better.

Part of the problem I had with this assignment was actually taking the time to find some good images that would best represent these individual 17 compositions. As a result I ended up getting a little behind on this project. But as I got the hang of things it got easier and I know now in the future to be more aware of how I can approach a project like this as well as time management.

Many of these photos really show who I am as a person as well as my personal life. Many of these images show that I really am capable of taking some great photographs and pushing myself to do something more that is different. My favorite image of mine that I like a lot is the Silhouette Lighting, I just love the bright sky with all the lit up colors and the contrast of the black trees in the front as well as the Camden Hills way in the distance, and it truly looks wonderful.