




Original & Title: Mult-plici-dog


For this project we learned about Multiplicity and with this; how to photograph the same person in different areas, while also eliminating some of the background and shading in the parts we did not need that were unnecessary. We did this by mounting our phones against an object that would not make it move and instead allow it to stay still. I chose to do the first image of myself and I did that in the guidance room. Next for the second image I decided I wanted to see if I could do three images of the same person three times and edit it. 

All of these photos I took of were around school and I had to first brainstorm who I wanted to have as my model and what they should be doing. It took some time until I knew what I wanted to photograph. But once I had my photos I quickly got to work. While doing this project I had a major setback in the fact that I kept putting the project aside for now and choosing when to do it but always having something going on at the time. But I feel like going into the future, rather than putting my photography aside I do them once they are assigned immediately, that way I will be always all caught up and not need as much help from my teacher.