Paper Sculpture II

Paper sculpture sketches

  8.5 by 11 inches

 Pencils and a ruler

Paper Textures 

    8.5 by 11 inches

   small bits of paper

Dumpling duck :P

Cardstock paper, scotch tape, elmers glue, regular paper and masking tape.

For this project we were tasked with making a paper project of anything out of any type of paper that we wanted to use. I was originally going to make a killerwhale but I decided to go with a duck because it was a simple idea and also  because everyone else is making their duck stamps (a separate project) for 6/7M foundations of Art class where I T.A. So I decided to make my version of it for 3-D design. This was again a tough project for me because I was out a bunch at the start with the common cold which lasted from early February to mid-winter break. I was also in Key West so I couldn't make it there either so those were a few major setbacks that I faced which was difficult but I got through it. I was originally going to make wings for it as shown on my sketch, but that didn't work well for me in the end because the type of paper that I was using was not cooperative in that aspect where I was able to properly fit them onto the duck and also I didn't have any hot glue with myself at the time.

The materials I used were: Regular paper and masking tape to make the shape. I also used Cardstock Paper, scissors, scotch tape and Elmers glue to make the outer part of the body which was the colored paper.

I first started by crumpling up pieces of blank white paper and smooshing them together with the shape of my hands to make the outer skeleton shape of the duck. This was difficult because making the outer shape was a lot of work and getting it in the shape of ducks body without the paper falling apart was a problem, but I eventually got it to work. Next I used masking tape to cover all of the white paper together to hold the shape together. After I did that I covered the body with long strips of paper to make sure I did not have ANY bit of masking tape showed and to make the duck look more realistic too! Finally I glued on the beak and eyes using regular glue and my duck was finished.