
The main idea that guided me through doing this artwork was how striped bass, have all these amazing designs on them.  I really wanted to make it look like I took inspiration from nature and the ocean.  I personally love the ocean and how wild it is, so I tried to incorporate some wildness in with this fish sort of speak. I wanted this design to really show how pretty some animals are, especially fish.

The materials that I used for this was clay, carving tools and four coats of glaze to make the art piece shine.

I first sat at my table brainstorming creative ideas on what to make my clay design off of. Then once I had my idea I had to first sketch it out on scratchboard paper. Then once I had sketched it out on scratchboard paper I had to recreate it on clay. I tried three times to try to get an outline of the fish on clay that I liked. The first time my clay slab broke then the next time I made it too small. So on the last day I finally had to cut my design out from the scratch board and trace it on the clay which came out nicely, then I had to brainstorm different designs that I wanted to incorporate onto the fish. I was very satisfied with how my work turned out and I am glad I was able to make a piece as beautiful as this through trial and error.