
Title: The wild Scottish terrier

The main idea that guided me to create this art piece was basically my dog's love for nature and being outside. Whenever I walk my two Scottish terriers outback in the woods behind my house they immediately start jumping around and feel very excited because they know that's when they get to smell different smells as well as meet other dogs. I wanted my work to really show how important nature is to my family, especially to my dogs

The materials that I used were: Pencil, tin foil, newspaper, cardboard, paper, leaves, pine, and pine cones. I also used hot glue to glue everything down in place.

The processes that went into making this project were I first started brainstorming ideas of what I wanted to incorporate into my collage. Then once I had the ideas down I started with making the dog by tracing my sketch onto cardboard and cutting it out using strong scissors. Next, I glued tin foil down to make it fluff up more. I then glued down a sheet of newspaper on top of it so I could have a layer where I put the flat black strips of paper on top. Finally, I went outside and got an abundance of stuff from nature and glued it down around the dog and I was done. All in I am pretty happy with the way this project turned out and I don't know what else I would do differently to make it better.