
For this project we were tasked with learning how to use the darkroom as well as some of its materials. Some of this we had to do finding some objects that have meaning to us and to expose some of the light on the objects to create interesting pictures that the objects gave off. Some of the items I chose to do this were: a glass clock, head phones, fidget pop thing, an airplane patch, 40ocean bracelet and a Boston logo. These items do have meaning to me but I just picked whatever was on my shelf that I knew would work.

Some of the items I used to create these images was: glossy paper, light room machine and the chemicals: DEV, STOP & FIX.

I first started off by looking around my room for some interesting objects and once I found them, I gathered them together and brought them to photography. Next I rearranged my items in the darkroom and placed them on and aligned them on the glossy paper and clicked 4 times 2 seconds each on the light machine to expose the items onto the paper. Then I processed them using the DEV, STOP & FIX and then I let it dry and used the photo machine to send the images to myself and I was done.